| 1. | Level 1 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 75 damage to land units in a line 一级-对一条直线上的地面单位造成75点的伤害。 |
| 2. | Level 3 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 225 damage to land units in a line 三级-对一条直线上的地面单位造成225点的伤害。 |
| 3. | Level 4 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 300 damage to land units in a line 四级-对一条直线上的地面单位造成300点的伤害。 |
| 4. | Bombards an area with rockets , stunning enemy land units for 1 second and damaging nearby enemy units 以火箭炮轰一个区域,击昏陆地敌军1秒并造成伤害。 |
| 5. | Level 1 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 75 damage to land units in a line 一级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成75点的伤害。 |
| 6. | Level 4 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 300 damage to land units in a line 四级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成300点的伤害。 |
| 7. | Level 2 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 150 damage to land units in a line 二级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成150点的伤害。 |
| 8. | Level 3 - a wave of force ripples outward , causing 225 damage to land units in a line 三级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成225点的伤害。 |
| 9. | Construction uses state - owned land with land unit , answer to use land according to the use that decides lawfully formerly 建设用地单位使用国有土地,应按照原依法确定的用途使用土地。 |
| 10. | Thunder clap slams the ground , dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units 魂守开始太脆,吸+分效率成问题。猛犸靠波去练如何?和熊猫道理仿佛。 |